اندلسی مسلم دور حکومت میں مسلم و غیر مسلم ثقافتی اور مذہبی تعلقات

Muslim and non-Muslim Cultural and Religious Relations during the Andalusian Muslim Rule

  • Asma Hanif MS Scholar, Superior University, Lahor.
  • Dr Neelam Bano Assistant professor at Superior University, Lahore.
Keywords: Trade, Spain, Muslim rule, humanity, Christians, Jews, cultural development


The Jewish community has played a significant role in the cultural development of Spain. However, history has proved that they were full of infidelity, treachery, malice and jealousy. And they used to dream of a "Jewish homeland" even at that time and this was the reason why no country or nation allowed them to settle here. The greed of wealth and the dream of a Jewish homeland drove them away. However, he did not lag behind in academic pursuits  In the history of Spain, it is the favor of the Jews that they preserved many achievements of Muslims in their language, otherwise the historical achievements of Muslim Spain would not exist in the world today. He was a staunch fanatic. They did not even like to live with foreigners. But for the purpose of acquiring knowledge, they used to enter the Madrasahs of the Muslims and acquire knowledge. From such a nation which does not like to put its social condition on another nation, can it be expected that the Muslims will have their Will there be effects? However, it was certain that the influence of Muslims was enough on them and the inclusion of cleanliness and honesty in commercial transactions was due to the influence of Muslims. The following points explain the social life of the Jews. This would make it clear that the non-Muslims lived side-by-side with the Muslims and were largely influenced by the Islamic society.

How to Cite
Asma Hanif, & Dr Neelam Bano. (2024). اندلسی مسلم دور حکومت میں مسلم و غیر مسلم ثقافتی اور مذہبی تعلقات: Muslim and non-Muslim Cultural and Religious Relations during the Andalusian Muslim Rule. Tanazur, 5(3), 504- 527. Retrieved from http://www.tanazur.com.pk/index.php/tanazur/article/view/391