علامہ اقبال کے کلام ضرب کلیم اور ارمغان حجاز کے اشعار سے متعلق آیات قرآنیہ

Quranic Verses Related to Allama Iqbal's Kalam Zarb Kaleem and Armaghan Hijaz's Poems

  • Muhammad Akhtar Ph. D Scholar at Department of Islamic Studies, Riphah International University, Faisalabad.
  • Izhar Ahmad Ph. D Scholar (Urdu), Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology, D.I Khan, KPK.
  • Abid Hussain Ph. D scholar at Department of Urdu, Federal Urdu University, Islamabad.


Allama Iqbal's speech "Zarb Kaleem" and "Armaghan Hijaz" contain references to several verses of the Holy Quran. Iqbal's poetry is based on the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and he presented his messages in the light of the Qur'an. . In this book of Iqbal, the teachings of the Qur'an have been given importance for the revival of Islam. Iqbal says: "Create faith, O fool! From faith comes the dervish, before whom the Fagfur bows." These verses of Surah Al-Baqarah It is related to verse 45: And seek help through patience and prayer: "And seek help through patience and prayer, and this task is difficult except for those who are humble." It advises to get rid of difficulties. Iqbal also draws Muslims to patience and prayer by basing faith in his poems. In "Armaghan Hijaz" Allama Iqbal has highlighted the greatness and spiritual centrality of Hijaz (Mecca and Medina). This book is a collection of Iqbal's spiritual poetry, in which the verses of the Qur'an are often used as the basis of his poetry. Iqbal says: "Iqbal jumped without danger into the fire of Nimrod, Ishq Aql Hai Mahu Tamashaye Lip Bam Abhi" This poem is from Surah Al-Baqarah. refers to the incident of verse 258 of: "Alam tar ali al-haj Haj Ibrahim fi Rabbah an atah Allah al-Malik" "Have you not seen him who argued with Ibrahim about his Lord, because Allah made him the ruler?" This incident is about Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and Nimrod. Here, Iqbal is describing the power of true love that he moves forward to fulfill his goal without fear of any danger, like Hazrat Ibrahim decided to jump into the fire of Nimrod. In Iqbal's words, the Holy Quran. His verses have been given importance and the purpose of his poetry is to attract Muslims towards their religion and spiritual goals.

How to Cite
Muhammad Akhtar, Izhar Ahmad, & Abid Hussain. (2024). علامہ اقبال کے کلام ضرب کلیم اور ارمغان حجاز کے اشعار سے متعلق آیات قرآنیہ: Quranic Verses Related to Allama Iqbal’s Kalam Zarb Kaleem and Armaghan Hijaz’s Poems. Tanazur, 5(2), 1353 - 1384. Retrieved from http://www.tanazur.com.pk/index.php/tanazur/article/view/362