عہدِ بنو اُمیہ و بنو عباس میں مسلم وغیرمسلم تعلقات: تاریخی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ
Muslim and Non-Muslim Relations durin the Era of Banu Umayyad and Banu Abbas
Islam teaches Muslims to be kind and tolerant towards non-Muslims and does not allow mistreatment and incivility to be shown to anyone merely on the basis of differences in beliefs and ideolo ies. The teachin s of Islam uide us in buildin relationships with non-Muslims based on kindness and equality. Durin the Umayyad rule, Muslims set a hi h example of ood behavior and tolerance by buildin social relations with non-Muslims. The expansion in the relations between Muslims and non-Muslims took place durin this fundamental period. The non-Muslim nations under the influence of Umayyad rule also developed better relations with Muslims. Durin this period, the Islamic State assumed an international status. In this vast empire, Turks, Pathans, Sindhis, Iranians, Kurds and Arabs were inhabited by numerous nations. Alon with Islam, followers of other reli ions such as Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and Jainism were also citizens of the Islamic state. In this paper, Muslim and non-Muslim relations between Banu Umayyad and Banu Abbas have been examined.