غربت کے خاتمہ میں پاکستانی بیت المال کا کردار
The Role of Pakistani Bait-ul-Mal in Poverty Alleviation
Islamic economic system is based on "Bait al-Mal" whose main purpose is to manage the basic needs of poor people in Muslim society at the government level. The Prophet's behavior was to fulfill the basic needs of all the people of the society from Bait Al-Mal and that was the reason why people were living economically satisfied lives. Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal is a leading public sector organization that has significantly contributed to the alleviation of poverty in Pakistan through various pro-poor focused services by providing opportunities for sustainable development as well as providing financial assistance to people. but is playing a role and providing assistance to destitute, widows, orphans, destitute, weak and indigent persons۔Baitul Mal supports other needy persons as per the eligibility criteria approved by the Board. Pakistan being a developing country is facing multifaceted challenges such as over population, illiteracy, health. Poor conditions and low standard of living, so large sections of our society do not have access to clean drinking water and food. In fact, poverty is a deep cause, which adversely affects the pace of economic growth. There are no quick fixes to address these challenges in the 21st century, but a concrete and sustainable strategy is needed initially to reduce and ultimately eliminate poverty from our society. Unfortunately, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening over time due to the unequal distribution of wealth. The government of Pakistan has already been working on a well-defined poverty reduction strategy for the past two to three years to improve the social set-up and reduce the gap between the "haves" and the "have-nots".Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal plays a significant role in poverty alleviation through its various projects, which include helping the destitute, widows, orphans, indigent and other needy people of the society. It provides financial assistance to the needy with an emphasis on rehabilitation.